A memorial for Purrr

Its been 6 years since I posted something here.

Let me dust off the dust and clear the cobwebs!

Its been 2 years since Purrr passed on. She had trouble breathing toward the end. So we decided to spare her the pain and send her off into a deep sleep. No more pain. We buried her in our backyard with a special medal, blanket and memories. We had her for 18 years. Thats a long time. I did not realise how much her death would affect me. Still does.

Smeagol (Purrr was her stage name) was not just any cat… as most cat parents would say. She was Smeagol, my precious, our Smeagie or Smeagie-peegy.

I didn’t remember how I used to draw her except for her frown. But then recently I started drawing again and the lines, the shape, all came back. Smeagol was the serious cat. The older one who didn’t take any nonsense and loved to eat!

I picture her now with a smile. Asleep and at peace. She had a good life with us. No more pain. Asleep forever.

Its hard to say goodbye to loved ones. Still feel a lump in my throat when I talk or think about it. But! when one door closes, another opens.

Goodbye our love. You are missed but will never be forgotten 🙂

Do cats have souls?

“In order to help others, first we must help ourselves.”

Death and grieving is a selfish thing. When Purrr passed away I had to come to terms saying goodbye to our old, much loved cat. I couldn’t deal with anything else. And it hurt. It hurt physically, like a dark hole trying to swollow me. I had to FEEL this so that slowly I could move forward. In doing that, I started to see the pain in Patch too (or whatever it is cats feel). She missed her to the point of even looking lonely. Sad.

After 18 years with us I wonder…

Where do cats go after they die?

Do they have souls?

Does a cat miss the other one when they die?

I think they do.

I dont want to forget Purrr. As the pain subsided, I was scared she’d be forgotten.

The more the days went by and her scent disappeared, I was scared her memory would too.

But it hasnt 🙂

2 Years later, we still remember her fondly. Sometimes to the point that we mistakenly call Patch, Purrr!

I want to immortalise her. This is the only way I know how.

I wonder if cats spirits linger behind?

I think it does.

Patch will need to start a new chapter.

A new story. We must help Patch to create her new story…

Exploring new sketches

Dreaming of Halloween



With Halloween just a couple of days away… I’m wondering what nightmarish dreams Patch is having…

Stay tuned as I reveal another piece to the story over the next week. The full Night ‘Vrieters’ (eaters) story shall be revealed just before Halloween. Its going to be Franken-tastic and oh so Boo’tiful! Its going to be a Hallo-Scream! … OK. I’ll stop now. I think you get the frightful picture 😉


The Night ‘Vrieters’ (Eaters)

It’s that time of year again! Yes, you thought it, Patch & Purrr have a special Halloween adventure up their fur coats. So sit back and enjoy the teasers as it leads up to the big Halloween story.

What IS Purrr so scared of?


Makes me wonder… what is Patch up to…

We’ll see next week 😉